Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Panurus biarmicus - Bigotudo (Bearded Reedling)

Editor's Note: BirdingIsFun.com welcomes Jose Miguel Grande Gutierrez, a new monthly contributor from Spain. His posts will be in both English and Spanish. Translation provided by Robert Mortensen. Bienvenido al equipo Jose! Welcome to the team Jose!

Debo dar las gracias a BirdingIsFun.com por dejarme formar parte de este maravilloso lugar de encuentro de los amantes de las aves y de la naturaleza en general. Un abrazo desde Pamplona-Navarra España para todas y todos.

I want to thank BirdingIsFun.com for letting me be part of this wonderful meeting place for bird lovers and lovers of nature in general. A hug from Pamplona-Navarra Spain for everyone.
Panurus biarmicus, o bigotudo, es una pequeña ave perteneciente al orden de las Passeriformes, que pertenece a la familia de las Timaliidae. Su longitud es de unos 12 centímetros, su peso aproximado es de unos 18 gramos y suele vivir unos 3 años, se distingue por su gran bigotera grande y negra en los machos, la cabeza es de un azul grisáceo brillante, su interior es de color café tostado y posee una larga cola, las hembras son prácticamente parduscas pero no dejan de ser hermosas.

Panurus biarmicus - Bearded Reedling:

The Bearded Reedling or Bearded Parrotbill (Bigotudo in Spanish - translated as mustachioed, whiskered or bearded) is a small bird belonging to the order Passeriformes, which belongs to the family Timaliidae (or Panuridae depending on your source). The length is about 12 centimeters, and weighs approximately 18 grams and usually lives about three years. It is distinguished by its large black mustache in males. The head is grayish blue bright color. The body a toasted coffee color. It has a long tail. Females are almost brownish but they are still beautiful.
Esta especie es especialista de humedales en Navarra(España) lo podemos localizar en la Laguna de Pitillas y en la Laguna de las Cañas, reproduciéndose colonialmente en grandes carrizales junto a lagos o en pantanos. Come gusanos y orugas de los juncos en verano, y semillas de las cabezuelas del junco Phragmitesen en invierno, de hecho, su sistema digestivo cambia para enfrentarse con las muy diferentes dietas estacionales llegando a consumir hojarascas o incluso fango de las partes inferiores de los carrizos.

This species is a wetlands specialist in Navarra, Spain. We can find them in Laguna de Pitillas and Laguna de las Cañas, breeding colonially in large reedbeds along lakes or in swamps. It eats worms and caterpillars among the reeds in summer, and the seeds of phragmites in winter. In fact, they actually change their digestive system to cope with the very different seasonal diets. They are sometimes known to consume leaf litter or mud at the bottoms of the reeds.
Entre el Quebrantahuesos y el Bigotudo pueden existir rasgos comunes ornamentales, colas largas, grandes bigotes, cabezas grisáceas y tonos anaranjados es decir lo que llamarían muchos biólogos evolución convergente donde especies distintas separadas filogenéticamente(CIENCIA QUE ESTUDIA LA RELACIÓN EVOLUTIVA ENTRE DISTINTAS ESPECIES),comparten similares mecanismos de evolución de los caracteres fenotipicos(el fenotipo es cualquier característica detectable de un ORGANISMO(estructural, bioquímico, fisiológico o conductual. Los bigotes y las largas colas son atributos de selección sexual o selectiva en sus hábitats.

Between the Bearded Vulture and the Beared Reedling there may be common ornamental traits: long tails, mustaches, gray heads with orange tones. It is what biologists call convergent evolution where many different species separated phylogenetically (science that studies the evolutionary relationship between different species), share similar mechanisms of evolution of phenotypic traits (the phenotype is any detectable characteristic of an organism (structural, biochemical, physiological or behavioral.) The mustaches and long tails are attributes of sexual selection or selective in their habitats.

CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, INFINITE RESPECT AND LOVE. Do not think it too much effort. The legacy that we leave our children will be our greatest gift. Let us make sure the Bearded Reedling never disappears.

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  1. a grand inaugural post from you Jose'. Thank you for sharing your beautiful bird; one I've never seen online before. Great light for the straddled between the reeds images

  2. What a beautiful bird!! And I loved your post.

  3. That's such a beauty! Love that black mustache. Nice post and photos!!

  4. These wee guys really do make Birding Fun. I just love to see them when I can. Great post. Saludos.

  5. Hola Jose Miguel un placer verte por aqui,el post esta genial y las fotos ni digamos.Saludos

  6. gracias a todas y todos por las muestras de cariño,siento lo del idioma pero debo agradecer a Robert su voluntad y amistad , decir que espero aportar algo positivo a este mundo donde vivimos y que tanto maltratamos,pero sigue dandonos belleza y unas aves maravillosas,gracias.

  7. Wonderful post filled with interesting information and fantastic photographs! It's always a delight to learn about birds seen in other countries. This one certainly is a beauty!
