Friday, June 15, 2012

Idaho Rare Bird: Red-headed Woodpecker

"Birding is Fun!" contributor Heidi Ware and Jay Carlisle, yesterday discovered a Red-headed Woodpecker in Idaho on private land between Carey and Craters of the Moon National Monument. This will likely become only the 2nd accepted report of a Red-headed Woodpecker by the Idaho Bird Records Committee. Though nine other notices exist, not all were submitted for review. The most recent sighting notice was in 2003. The 1st accepted record from 1990 is also from the Carey area and the oldest record comes from Craters of the Moon in 1957. Perhaps there is an annual population of Red-headed Woodpeckers there that simply goes unnoticed in this under-birded region. eBird shows no records for Idaho of Red-headed Woodpecker.
Map of the region of Idaho
eBird sightings map of Red-headed Woodpeckers.
Idaho is certainly at the frontier of their typical range.


  1. So very exciting! They are very handsome birds. I am fortunate to see them here in Illinois.

  2. As I follow the Idaho birding listserv, several other birders have been able to find the Red-headed Woodpecker pretty easily. The land owner has been very gracious in allowing people to enter their property.
