Thursday, September 30, 2010

Idaho Bird Observatory: Photo Quiz Answers

Congratulations to Danette Henderson of Boise who correctly identified all of the species. Several participants correctly identified all but one, and different ones at that. Below are the names and photos of the of the birds-in-the-hand from my recent visit to the Idaho Bird Observatory up on Lucky Peak above east Boise. You can click on the photos to enlarge them for a better and more enjoyable view.

1. Townsend's Warbler

2. Wilson's Warbler

3. Orange-crowned Warblers

4. Yellow-rumped Warbler - you can see why we call them "butter-butts".

5. Western Tanager

6. Spotted Towhee

7. Warbling Vireo

8. Black-headed Grosbeak

9. White-crowned Sparrow - adult

10. Red-breasted Nuthatch

11. Golden-crowned Kinglet

12. White-crowned Sparrow - juvenile

13. Cooper's Hawk - juvenile

14. Sharp-shinned Hawk - juvenile male

15. Lazuli Bunting - juvenile

16. Dusky Flycatcher

In cased you missed them:

Thanks again to the Idaho Bird Observatory for the great work they do and for allowing me to spend the morning with them. I can't repeat my encouragement enough to invite you to visit the Idaho Bird Observatory and to support their work.


  1. Beautiful photos of all the birds Robert! I wish I had caught the contest (I love contests). The two bonus birds would have been tough to ID for sure. I especially liked the shots of the juvie Cooper's and Sharpy showing some real differences in their look close up.

  2. Like Larry I think the Coopers and Sharp-shinned are so good because they show the differences between the species which in the field are less obvious. The Dusky Flycatcher is a little cracker - one I never saw in Ontario.

  3. Brave person with a finger in a grosbeak's mouth!

  4. Beautiful shots! Thanks for sharing. :)
