My Avimor bar chart is made of up reports from 16 specific eBird locations within the Avimor property. Each location has its own unique characteristics, be it habitat or geography, that I want to track separately. Based on the sample size, available by downloading the histogram data, I see that I still need to work on my reporting consistency in the last six months of the year. My data will just get more and more accurate and useful as I continue to report my community sightings to eBird.

I'm an eBirder. Are you?
Just for fun, may I share some thoughts as I look over my Avimor eBird bar chart:
My favorite Avimor bird sightings:
1. Rusty Blackbird - a rare sighting in Idaho
2. Long-Eared Owl - hard to find, but I had them nest here!
3. Northern Shrike - prep'ing for my Big Sit! last year.
4. Solitary Sandpiper - a life bird in a retention basin
5. Grasshopper Sparrow - a life bird
6. Winter (Pacific) Wren - a life bird
7. Western Bluebird
8. Mountain Bluebird
Some Avimor Specialty Birds (at least for the Boise area based on being a fairly reliable location in which to see these species during appropriate times of the year):
1. Gray Partridge
2. Great Horned Owl
3. Long-eared Owl
4. Lewis's Woodpecker
5. Say's Phoebe
6. Rock Wren
7. Canyon Wren
8. Gray Catbird
9. Yellow-breasted Chat
10. Black-headed Grosbeak
11. Lazuli Bunting
12. Bullock's Oriole
Top 20 Most Frequently Reported Species (also by downloading histogram data and using Excel to sort, sum or average):
1. House Finch - reported on 63% of my Avimor checklists
2. Mourning Dove 55%
3. American Goldfinch - 48%
4. Red-winged Blackbird - 46%
5. American Robin - 44%
6. Song Sparrow - 42%
7. Dark-eyed Junco - 38%
8. California Quail - 38%
9. Western Meadowlark 33%
10. Killdeer 29%
11. Black-billed Magpie 28%
12. White-crowned Sparrow 28%
13. Northern Flicker (red-shafted) 27%
14. European Starling 26%
15. Red-tailed Hawk 23%
16. American Kestrel 23%
17. Yellow Warbler 21%
18. Black-capped Chickadee 21%
19. Barn Swallow 21%
20. Bank Swallow 20%
Congratulations on the achievement!