I just wanted to give a quick notice to all you Idaho bird photographers, including guests to Idaho, that round two of the
Idaho Camera Birding Photo Competition begins soon. I invite you to take the next couple of months to get out there across scenic Idaho to enjoy nature and take pictures of birds! Also, I am seeking out nice prizes for the runner's up, so hopefully more incentive to share your bird photography with us.
Please check out the
Photo Competition Page of this website for the details and to see last May's results and judges comments to help you capture a winning image.
A small change from the last round is a limit two photos per entrant, rather than three. Photos will be due on the Friday, November 26th, 2010 - the day after Thanksgiving.
Lazuli Bunting - May 2010 in my Avimor backyard -
We had a late snow that caused all kinds of lethargy among Lazuli Buntings and Western Tanagers making this a very lucky close-up. The poor little guy was so cold! |
Awesome shots of the Rail and the Lazuli Bunting. Both are great birds. Good luck on the photo contest.