Check out all the wonderful bird photography entries from around the great state of Idaho!
Horizontal lines separate the one to three submissions by each photographer with the photographer's name appearing in a large font above their entries. The numbering system is for the convenience of the judges and only represents the order in which I received the entries.
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Andy Crabtree
1. "Mourning Dove in Winter", taken on 13 Dec 2009 in Nampa Idaho, using Minolta Dimage Z1 from Idaho Camera. Auto mode and 10X zoom.
Linda Milam
2. "Meadowlark in Spring" taken May 9, 2009 at Camas National Wildlife Refuge
3. "Just Singin' my Song" Courting Canada Geese, taken March 17, 2010 at Market Lake WMA
Bob and Robin Young
5. Great Blue Heron along Boise River Greenbelt, taken 20 April 2010.
6. "Surprise!" - Peregrine Falcon in Downtown Boise, taken 27 Jun 2009
7. "Columbia in Flight", Peregrine Falcon in Downtown Boise from Idanha parking lot, taken 16 July 2009
All three photos taken with Nikon D40X with 300mm lens.
6. "Surprise!" - Peregrine Falcon in Downtown Boise, taken 27 Jun 2009
7. "Columbia in Flight", Peregrine Falcon in Downtown Boise from Idanha parking lot, taken 16 July 2009
All three photos taken with Nikon D40X with 300mm lens.
Michael Morrison
8. Western Screech Owl at MK Nature Center 6-9-2009
9. Osprey and Eastern Kingbird at Montour Wildlife Refuge 6-19-2009
10. Cedar Waxwing at Montour Wildlife Refuge taken on 06-19-2009
All photos were taken with a Nikon 80-400 5.6 zoom lens. Aperture priority on the Nikon D300.
Bob Davis
11. Spotted Towhee at Mink Creek taken on 5-25-09Digiscoped with Sony Cypershot 8.1 via Zeiss Diascope 80 mm spotting scope. Camera set to 3x and scope at 20 power. Taken at Mink Creek area south of Pocatello. No digital enhancements.
Debbie Courson Smith
12. "Oregon Junco Amid the Leaves" taken 12-21-09 on my leaf covered gardening bench at my home in Boise.
13. "Bald and Beautiful in Boise" taken 12-09-09 along Boise River in Garden City.
14. "Join me for lunch?" American Goldfinch eating black-eyed Susan seeds outside my office window in NW Boise taken 4-01-10
All photos were taken with a Canon EOS Rebel/xsi 55mm lens for the Junco and Goldfinch and 52-250 lens for the Bald Eagle.
June Gempler
15. Young Bald Eagle - Taken on January 10, 2010 near Mores Creek Bridge on Hwy. 21.
This immature bald eagle was frequenting this area for several weeks over the winter months as there was a plentiful food source available for him. Another overcast day and taking the photo into the snow. This was a hand held shot at 400mm, which was totally amazing that I could hand hold at that focal length.

16. Ring-Neck - Taken on February 7, 2010 at the Hagerman WMA.
This beautiful pheasant was sunning himself on a rock when I drove up and snapped this shot. He's a beauty. I didn't have much time to plan this shot, as is the typical scenario with birds. This was taken with my Canon 100-400mm lens at 400mm, resting on the back of my car.
This was also taken at 400mm, it was a dreary over-cast day so the photo is a bit soft but I had to try the shot (used a monopod) and was somewhat pleased taking into consideration the circumstances I was given.
Tips: If at all possible always use a tripod (tough to do with birds), especially with long focal lengths. I've recently made myself a bean bag pod and always have it in my car and available for spur of the moment shots.
Shauna Robinson
18. "Webbed Site" taken in Nov 2009 at the Snake River near Auger Falls with a Nikon D50 400mm 1/500s f5.6 - photo has been cropped.
19. "Welcome Home" taken 13 Feb 2010 - American Kestrel in my backyard on Rim View Lane in Twin Falls with a Nikon D50 400mm 1/800s f5.6 - photo has been cropped.
20. Chubby Chukar on 18 Mar 2010 from my backyard on Rim View Lane in Twin Falls with a Nikon D50 400mm 1/1000s f5.6 - no computer enhancements or cropping.
Michael Weeks
21. "Hawk Eye" taken at Silver City, Idaho 8-1-09
22. "Proud" taken in Stanley, Idaho on 12-30-09
23 "Out on a Limb" taken on the way to Silver City on 12-30-09
Photos taken using a Nikon D70 ISO 500 f/9 or f/11
Conservation Seeding and Restoration Inc
24. "Who me?"
Northern Saw-whet Owl taken Feb 22, 2010 at the World Center for Birds of Prey using a hand-held Kodak EasyShare DX7590 digital camera with 10x optical zoom, 5 megapixels. The original photo was a bit blurry, so our Design Dept. Manager, Julie, played in Photoshop to create the image.
Nathan Hall
25. "By Your Side"

26. "Wait"
27. Wood Duck
Images taken at Julia Davis Park on 4/10/2010 with a Canon 30D and Tamron 75-300mm telephoto zoom lens. ISO 200-250.
Rex Blau
28. "These poles get cold at night" Wilson's Snipe taken on 6/30/09 along the river in Emmett, ID.
29. Cooper's Hawk taken 11/23/09 from the blind at Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge at 1/2000 sec.
28. "These poles get cold at night" Wilson's Snipe taken on 6/30/09 along the river in Emmett, ID.
29. Cooper's Hawk taken 11/23/09 from the blind at Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge at 1/2000 sec.
30. Sleeping Northern Flicker
Taken on 3/31/10 in my hay barn on the Emmett Bench using a Canon EOS Rebel, 250mm, with flash, f/5.6, 1/60 sec, ISO 400.
Dan Leavell
31. House Sparrow -
Taken at MK Nature Center with a Sony A700 and Tamron 70-200mm 2.8 on 30 Mar 2010.

32. Wood Duck
Also taken at MK Nature Center with same camera and lens on the same date. I generally shoot outside with a +1 exposure and ISO 200 on Aperture Priority mode. This enbles the camera to select the shutter speed. I double check on the LCD and if I like the shot I continue if not I will change to Manual and select my own shutter speed while keeping an eye for proper "to the right" exposure.
33. Red-tailed Hawk
Taken at the Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge (Lake Lowell) on an overcast day, on 28 Dec 2009. I adjusted the WB to correct the blue tinge and shot my Sony a700 Tamron 70-200 2.8 combo. I have since switched my wildlife camera to Canon and bought the 300 f4L IS USM. I love it and it keeps that shutter speed up to freeze the action. Like metioned in my other entry I keep ISO at 200-400 to ensure noise free adjustments in RAW.
Louinda Huston
34. "Bringing Home Dinner"
35. "Suppertime"
The two of the Red-tailed Hawk photos were taken at Horseshoe Bend, Idaho with a Canon 40 D, 200 to 400 Tamron lens. Aperture Priority 5.6 ISO 250 390mm. They were taken on 5/14/2010 around 4:35pm.
36. "Do you thing my hair looks ok?"
The Black-crowned Night Heron was taken in Emmett, Idaho with the Canon 40 D. 200 to 400 Tamron lens at 390mm. ISO 400 5.6. It was taken 5/3/2010 around 6:30 pm.
Arenett Grant
37. "Everyone needs a little hug"
This was taken with a Canon 50D, ISO 100, f/8 1/640. Avocets. Photo was taken on 5-9-2010 at Indian Creek Reservoir.
38. "Don't mess with me I'll whip both of you"
Canada Geese Fighting Taken 4-10-2010 in Garden Valley on the Project Patch pond with Canon 50 D, Tamron lens 28-300 at 300mm, Iso 500, f/8, 1/400.

39. "Do you think it is easy keeping these wings dry?"
Long-billed Curlew - Photo taken at Indian Creek Reservoir on 5-9-2010, with a Cannon 50 D, Lens Canon 55-250 set on 250mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/500. I changed the color in Photoshop and added a frame.
Bob Whitlatch
40. "I'm seeing red" Spotted Towhee taken 26 May 2009 at City of Rocks National Reserve

41. "It's crisp!" Great Blue Heron taken on a cold crisp morning 21 Feb 2010 at Kathryn Albertson Park

42. "We're nestled" - Great Horned Owlets taken 26 May 2009 in Pearl, Idaho.
Terry Gray
43. "What are you doing here? This is my hunting area." - Northern Pygmy-Owl
Photo was taken on the south side of Moscow Mountain approximately 5 miles north of Moscow. Photo date is September 25, 2009. The bird was less than 10 feet from me when I took the photo. Photo taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC H9 with a ISO setting of 400
Karen Lahr
44. Warbling Vireo - taken 19 May 2010 at Mountain View Reservoir
45. Wood Duck and babies - taken 13 May 2010 at Kathryn Albertson Park, Boise
46. Great Horned Owl - taken 19 May 2010 at Mountain View Reservoir
Kathleen Cameron
47. Bohemian Waxwing - taken March 5, 2010 in Bellevue, Idaho
48. 1st-year male Bullock's Oriole's fence party with an orange - taken 23 May 2010 in Bellevue, ID
49. Western Tanager Aglow - taken 23 May 2010 in Bellevue, ID
48. 1st-year male Bullock's Oriole's fence party with an orange - taken 23 May 2010 in Bellevue, ID
49. Western Tanager Aglow - taken 23 May 2010 in Bellevue, ID
ISO 400 with a AF-VR Nikkor 80-400 lens - Nikon D200 camera
Terry Maley
50. Yellow-headed Blackbirds taken 5/09/09 in a marsh along the east side of Cascade Lake.
51. Great Gray Owl about 2 to 2.5 months old. Photo taken 8/01/09 on Loomis Lane, Donnelly.
52. Osprey taken on West Mountain side of Cascade Lake. Photo taken 6/14/09.
Nikon D-300 camera with 70-300 mm zoom lens.
Nikon D-300 camera with 70-300 mm zoom lens.
Kathleen Bowman
53. Burrowing Owl-Taken on 5/7/10 -1/160 at f/5.6, ISO 400

54. Twitterpated Doves-Taken on 5/7/10 -1/800 at f/5.6, ISO 800

55. Above the Clouds-Taken on 1/1/10 -1/1600 at f/7.1, ISO 400
All three images were taken in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey NCA and were taken with Canon EOS 20D, Canon 75-300mm lens with circular polarizing filter.
Shelly Moody
56. "In Plain Sight" -
The photo was taken in the ash tree in my front yard in SE Boise on Monday May 24, 2010 (I.D. help requested for this Empidonax Flycatcher! This blog host is leaning toward Dusky, but I'm slow to rule out Least.)
Kay Asher
57. Curious Falcon Fledgling - taken June 27, 2009 in downtown Boise
58. Boise Foothills Great Horned Owl - taken May 20, 2009
59. Party! - House Sparrows and a House Finch taken in my west Boise backyard on Jan 17, 2010
Bonny Johnson
60. Red-winged Blackbird - male
61. Red-winged Blackbird - female
My photos were taken at Kathryn Albertson Park on May 3, 2010. We bought our Olympus 510 from Idaho Camera a few years ago. We invested in a 70-300mm lens so I could capture more bird photos.
Nicki Bowden
62. Great Horned Owl, taken on June 14, 2009 near Ririe, Idaho
63. Great Gray Owl, taken on April 16, 2010 near Ashton, Idaho
64. Robin, taken on May 13, 2010 near Idaho Falls, Idaho
Images taken with a Nikon D80 and Sigma 150-500mm lens
Denise Hughes
65. "What is there to say?" - Snow Geese - Fort Boise WMA 13 Mar 2010
66. "After the bath" - Yellow-headed Blackbird - taken at Centennial Marsh 28 June 2009.
Kathy Eklund
68. Great Egret - taken May 6, 2010 in Burley ID
69. Downy Woodpecker - taken May 8, 2010 in the Rock Creek Area, south of Murtaugh, ID
Both photos were taken with a 35mm film camera. Prints were scanned in Photosmart and cropped.
Kevin Walker
70. "Quail on a fence post"
Camera: Nikon D300
Settings: f/5.6 - 1/500th - ISO 200
Digital Edits: Sharpened and the head brightened due to the dark feathers surrounding the dark eye. Background darkened to isolate the bird better.
Kim Brandt
71. Burrowing Owl - Ada Co. 4/24/10
72. Western Grebe - Black's Creek Reservoir 5/13/10
73. Western Kingbird - Prairie, ID 5/13/10
All photos were taken with a Nikon 80-400mm 5.6 zoom lens on a Nikon D700 set to aperture priority.
Leo Miller
74. Ring-necked Pheasant - taken 5-1-2010 at Marsh Creek, ID - 500mm+ 1.4x f8.0 1/1000 ISO 400
75. Hawk - taken 16 Oct 2009 at Victor, ID - 100-400mm f8.0 1/500 ISO 100
76. American Goldfinch - taken 25 July 2009 at Cherry Springs, ID - 500mm+ 1.4x f8.0 1/1600 ISO 800
All photos taken using a Canon 1DIIN
Shellye Lindsay
77. "I'm NOT on a diet, I'm Not on a diet!" - Western Tanager
Canon 30D telephoto lens Canon IS 100-400 1/500 F8 May 23, 2010 near Pearl, Idaho
78. "Who dat?" - Western Bluebird -
79. "Just posin' " - Lazuli Bunting
Canon 30D telephoto lens Canon IS 100-400 1/1000 F 4.0 Near Prairie, Idaho on Al Larson's Bluebird Trail - May 19, 2009
79. "Just posin' " - Lazuli Bunting
This was the first EVER lazuli to land in our yard. My kitchen window was open and waiting for this bird to reappear! He could hear the camera's shutter though and flew off shortly thereafter. Taken May 23, 2010 in my backyard near Centennial High School in Boise. Canon 30D with IS 100-400 at focal length 400 1/125 at F8 ISO 200
Jim Jenkins
80. "Breakfast with the Tanagers"
Taken 5/28/2010 at 7:30 AM in SE Boise with a Pentax K20D and Pentax 18-250 lens, ISO 1600 - f6.3. I had cropped the shot and noise reduction.
Gene Halberstadt
81. "Reflections" - f5 1/200 second ISO 200 225mm
82. "Splashdown Landing" - f5 1/200 ISO 200 180mm
83. "Final Approach" - f 7.1 1/200 ISO 200 300mm
All photos taken with a Canon 50d and a Canon 70-300 mm lens
at Kathryn Albertson Park, Boise on 13 Feb 2010
at Kathryn Albertson Park, Boise on 13 Feb 2010
Jennifer Hall
85. Western Grebe - taken in Roberts, Idaho June 2009 - f8
86. Short-eared Owl - taken near Idaho Falls, ID May 2010 - f6.3 ISO 200
All photos taken with a Nikon D80 camera and Nikon 80-400mm lens
Maria Halberstadt
87. "Mother's Love" - taken on 16 May 2010 Kathryn Albertson Park using a Canon 50d at f7.1, 1/125 sec
88. "Family Outing" taken may 15th 2010 at Kathryn Albertson Park
f14, 1/125 seconds and 70mm focal length
88. "Family Outing" taken may 15th 2010 at Kathryn Albertson Park
f14, 1/125 seconds and 70mm focal length
Art Robertson
89. Great Blue Heron - Oct 2009
90. Mallards in flight - Nov 2009
91. American White Pelican - April 2010
All of these were taken along the Boise Greenbelt between Eagle and Garden City with a Nikon D200 with Nikor 70-300 mm zoom lens mostly at 300 mm. All pics edited in Photoshop.
Date Taken: 3/19/10 - Where: Fort Boise Wildlife Management Area - Post work: Enhanced effect of motion on wings to attempt to capture what it was like to experience first hand.
Date Taken: 5/1/10 - Where: Julia Davis Park, Boise - Post work: Slight color correction.
Ryck Tanner
92. "The Gleam" - Great Horned Owl
Date Taken: 5/13/10 - Where: Boise Greenbelt - Specs: Canon 400mm lens at f5.6 - Post work: Slight burning and dodging
93. Snow Migration" - Snow Geese
Date Taken: 3/19/10 - Where: Fort Boise Wildlife Management Area - Post work: Enhanced effect of motion on wings to attempt to capture what it was like to experience first hand.
94. "Gosling"
Date Taken: 5/1/10 - Where: Julia Davis Park, Boise - Post work: Slight color correction.
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