Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Evening Hike at Avimor

Photo by Art Robertson

My kids were begging me to take them on a hike, so we headed up Avimor's Spring Valley Creek Trail.  Just past the first cattle gate in the steep part of the canyon up on the northeast slope were at least 8 Western Bluebirds!  I always knew they were possible at Avimor, but I wasn't expecting them today.  Three Red-tailed Hawks were circling above them and I could see the smaller birds moving between the rocks and brush.  Before I put my binoculars on them I thought they might have been early swallows.  Once I got my Eagle Optics Rangers in focus there was no doubt that they were Western Bluebirds. That makes the 105th bird species officially recorded up here at Avimor in just barely over one year!

Other cool birds of note were Spotted Towhee and Canyon Wren.  We discovered a Red-tailed Hawk nest and she was probably sitting on eggs.

It looks like the Great Horned Owl eggs have hatched near the Avimor entry.  I see a couple fluffy lumps peeking out from underneath momma, but not enough to count beaks.  Momma Kestrel must be on eggs in the kestrel box my son and I built with grandpa.  The male is sitting outside of the box defending it from Flickers and Starlings.


  1. I haven't seen a bluebird yet, but the snow geese have arrived.

  2. Oh so beautiful! I saw these and Mountian Bluebirds on my trip when we stopped in NM at Bosque del Apache NWR. I saw Eastern bluebirds in Kentucky, AL, and Oklahoma. (I think. All the lists are scrambled in my brain by now!)
