I am so excited to announce that the 210 in 2010: eBird Idaho competition has another sponsor who will be donating $210 worth of cash or prizes. Those of you that feed backyard birds are probably familiar with KAYTEE. Carla over there at KAYTEE informed me that she had been to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and had seen a presentation on about eBird and now the folks at KAYTEE are very supportive of this citizen-science initiative. Please join me in expressing thanks to KAYTEE by purchasing their products!
Species Leaders:
1. Cheryl Huizinga 127
2. Steve Butterworth 122
2. Darren Clark 122
4. Lynn Davenport 111
4. Terry Gray 111
6. Charles Swift 99
7. Heidi Ware 96
8. Jonathan Stoke 94
8. Denise Hughes 94
8. Cliff Weisse 94
Checklist Leaders:
1. Robert Mortensen 281
2. Jackson Whitman 208
3. Lew Ulrey 122
4. Cheryl Huizinga 111
5. Lynn Davenport 103
6. Charles Swift 84
7. Jonathan Stoke 66
8. Steve Butterworth 65
9. Terry Gray 53
10. Rohn McKee 49

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