My first copy arrived in the mail Saturday. I had read it cover to cover, word for word, including the ads, by Sunday night. I've been a fan of their website and its editor's blog for the last couple of months and now I'm a fan of their little magazine too! (Bird Watcher's Digest is much like Reader's Digest in size.)

The spotting scope review section has been very helpful as I am currently in that market...looking for a high-end scope that will hopefully last me the rest of my life. At the same time dealing with a thin wallet and looking for the best value of performance and quality. I know now what I am going to save up for.
"Birders Are Crazy Folks" by Andrea Southgate is a good natured and hilariously accurate caricature of those of us joined by this silly addiction called birding. A tale of turkey feeding, the rediscovered forest owlet, and an article about creating your own field guide of birding facts all fascinated me and leave me inspired to do more and better birding. I always love the Q&A sections and this magazine has a couple of really good ones. Kenn Kaufman and Julie Zickefoose had enjoyable and thought provoking columns. The product and books reviews were great too.
In the interest of intellectual integrity I must share my complaints about Bird Watcher's Digest: It could have been twice as long and should be issued monthly... I suppose it just leaves me hungry for more. I just need to pace myself and not devour it so quickly. But, better than Thanksgiving dinner treated me, Bird Watcher's Digest left me with no indigestion or heartburn.
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