I noted with special interest in the news that Brown Pelicans have been removed from the Federal Endangered Species list. Brown Pelicans were hit hard by the pesticides of the 1950's and 1960's, as were so many other bird species. Most of the affected species are well on their way to recovery. I don't blame the farmers of generations past as I give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't intentionally poison wildlife. Farmers, ranchers, and developers are a huge part of conservation efforts world-wide.
It is also interesting to note that while Brown Pelicans were struggling, American White Pelicans have become to populous and eating all the fish in the rivers and reservoirs. Idaho Fish & Game officials are looking at ways to slow them down.
My only sightings to date of Brown Pelicans comes from a pair of visits my family made to Rocky Point (Puerto PeƱasco), Mexico when we lived in Arizona. I took the picture above from the beach at sunset. Brown Pelicans can range from being very ugly to being very beautiful depending on the season. I particularly like how they fly so majestically.
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