At Avimor, we currently have a few Barn Swallows swooping around, but the other swallow types have already migrated south.
To learn quick-ID tips for swallows that can be seen in our area click here.The official Big Sit! put on by Bird Watcher's Digest will occur on Sunday, October 11th. I am not quite up to that challenge this year, but I figured why not have a small-scale Big Sit in the foothills in lieu of our regularly scheduled bird walk.
So here's the scoop:
Avimor Quarter Big Sit!
Saturday, October 10th
5:00am to Noon
We will comply with the official Big Sit! rules of play with exception to the date and duration.
I plan on choosing the principal location for the morning. If we have enough interested participants, we will create multiple teams. At that point other viewing locations at Avimor would be selected. If you want to form your own team and select your own location, you are absolutely welcome to. A little friendly competition would make it even more fun!
Birders of all ages and experience levels are invited! You don't have to be there the entire time.
What should you bring? Binoculars and spotting scope if you have them, something to sit on, and snacks to get you through the morning.
I'll provide coffee and hot chocolate, a small table for my circle, checklists of birds, plenty of bottled water for everyone participating, two-way radios, and maybe even some prizes.
If you are interested, please let me know by clicking "Ask the Avimor Bird Guy" in the right column to send me an e-mail.
Come on out and Sit with me! It'll be fun!