This morning I took a hike up Burnt Car Draw. There were lots of Lazuli Buntings, Lark Sparrows and Meadow Larks. A few Bullock's Orioles and Robins too.
I enjoyed watching a coyote stalking rodents and bounding around the tall grasses in the meadow. It didn't notice me until I got within about 30 yards and then it scampered up the rocky bluff to observe me from a safe distance.

I had a Spotted Towhee that didn't seem too afraid of me as I was within a few feet of it.

I was delighted to find two juvenile Great Horned Owls. They got spooked when I got near them and in turn spooked me as they flew out of the tree I was standing right next to. They flew down the draw to another tree. I'm glad to see that they made it through the critical stage of their lives. Sorry I wasn't able to get any photos of them.
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